Self Assesment

Depression Self Assessment Test

Depression Quick Assessment

Have you experienced a lack of enjoyment in your activities in the last 30 days?
How often have you felt depressed, down or hopeless in the last 30 days?
How often have you had difficulty falling asleep, or staying asleep in the last 30 days?
How often have you tired or a lack of energy to do simple tasks at work or at home in the last 30 days?
How often have you had poor appetite or overate in the last 30 days?
How often have you had trouble concentrating or focusing in the last 30 days?

An online depression self-assessment test is a tool designed to help individuals gauge their mental health and determine if they might be experiencing symptoms of depression. These tests usually consist of a series of questions about one’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors related to depression.

These questions can cover various aspects, including mood, appetite, sleep, energy levels, concentration, self-esteem, and thoughts of suicide or self-harm. The frequency and intensity of these symptoms are generally taken into account.

It’s important to remember that these self-assessment tests are not meant to provide a definitive diagnosis of depression. They are screening tools, used to identify potential signs of depression and determine if further evaluation by a mental health professional is needed.

If you take an online self-assessment test and the results indicate you may be experiencing depression, it’s crucial to reach out to a mental health professional for a formal assessment and potential treatment options. Despite the accessibility and convenience of online tests, they should not replace professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.